The situation in Gaza didn’t show any sign that it will be any better soon. Both retaliating sides are neglecting cease fire proposed by the UN and of course, the world. Even if the Hamas is slowing down, I don’t think that Zionist will follow pace. More casualties, increasing by hour and we all are watching helplessly this ‘legal’ genocide backed up by the US. So much of being a world police, eh?
What are you gonna do about this, Mr Obama??? After all… you are the ‘chosen one’!!!
As much as we try to shout out for justice and peace in Gaza, our voices will still fall on deaf ears. But that doesn’t mean that the struggle should end there. It must continue!
And because of this belief, 4 young lads decided to put something which from my observation, is honest and with a kick in the ass. ‘Hentikan Penindasan’ (Stop The Oppression) is the best slogan that one could come up with during this situation in Gaza but Dum Dum Tak had actually voiced it out with a mini album (playing time considered). Maybe it was not intentionally but this should be an instance of perfect timing.
13 tracks of straight forward punkrock with a vengeance. Melodic and catchy sing along choruses with no bubble gum lyrics included. Politically inclined, not in depth but will definitely arouse your awareness. If you can’t handle ‘Pantat Kau’ (Your Pussy or the southern/Singapore posse will definitely refer it as Your Ass) or ‘Pergi Jahanam Kau’ (To Hell With You), then you should just settle down with DEP songs… hehehe…
Lyrics and melody were exceptionally executed. Can’t deny that there are repetition of ideas but these guys made them all sound fresh. The energy and attitude were so apparent which simply make this release a statement to be acknowledged.
Personally, I think this could be a new benchmark for all DIY enthusiasts which I believe, I have mentioned some time before. Being DIY is not about being half-assed. Put your heart into it and you’ll be amazed of the result. There’s no formula. It’s pure faith!
Kudos to DDT on their new release apart from all the shortcomings during the making and also Dave Danker’s current situation. I’m wishing them heaps of success in the future and more good releases to come.
thanks for the review acai.
Tempahan T-Shirt KERANDA 152
Merujuk kepada salah satu program "Perarakan Keranda" – dinamakan Keranda 152 yang akan diadakan pada pertengahan bulan Februari oleh Gabungan Penulis Nasional (Gapena) maka aku telah mengambil keputusan untuk mempercepatkan tarikh akhir tempahan t-shirt KERANDA 152 kepada 04 Februari 2009 (Rabu) di mana sebelum ini tarikh akhirnya ialah 13 Februari 2009. Ini supaya para pembeli dapat memakai t-shirt tersebut pada hari perarakan yang akan dinyatakan tarikh kemudian.
Informasi t-shirt :
* Saiz XS, S, M, L dan XL.
* Cetakan bersaiz A4 (depan sahaja).
* T-shirt terdapat 2 color sahaja iaitu putih dan hitam.
T-shirt warna putih
* Cetakan 2 warna (Maroon & Hitam)
* Harga : RM 25.00 (tidak termasuk kos penghantaran)
T-shirt warna hitam
* Cetakan 2 Warna (Merah & Putih)
* Harga : RM 27.00 (tidak termasuk kos penghantaran)
Kos biaya hantar
* RM 5.00 (semenanjung Malaysia)
Bayaran boleh dibuat di Maybank 1580 6001 3854 (Meor Khairol Nizam)
Emailkan ke lanterajiwa@gmail.com
nama, alamat penghantaran, saiz, no. telefon dan bukti pembayaran (attach)...
Tarikh akhir tempahan : 04 Februari 2009 (Rabu)
T-shirt akan mula dicetak pada 05 Februari 2009 (Khamis)
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